S01 /
- 19 October 2021
In this podcast, we explore the topic of why there are so many JDKs, how are they the same, and how they are different. We balance the Java perspective with a special guest from the Rust foundation to learn how a peer ecosystem works.Quick summary—the role of Java as a central system runti...
S01 /
- 31 August 2021
Foojay community members discuss the modernization of Jakarta EE applications from the older Java EE form, including backwards-compatibility, as well as forwards-excitement about cool new developments like Microprofile.Guests:Rudy De Busscher, product manager of
S01 /
- 22 July 2021
Foojay community members and beyond discuss embedded Java:James Gosling, creator of Java and embedded enthusiast. Distinguished engineer of AWS GreenGrass and former Liquid Robotics, an autonomous ocean vehicle powered by water.
About Foojay.io, the Friends Of OpenJDK!
The podcast of foojay.io, a central resource for the Java community’s daily information needs, a place for friends of OpenJDK, and a community platform for the Java ecosystem — bringing together and helping Java professionals everywhere.