Spiritual coaching and extra sensory perception - S01 / E01


Een beetje achtergrond

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About Spiritual coaching and extra sensory perception

I am Kristien and I want to help you accept your extra senses and spiritual feeling even if religion is not part of your life. Spirituality in everyday life is connected to your body and experiences. This podcast will be about inspirational stories of my own experiences and the people I meet. It will be about a higher sense in life and about discovery and integration of extra sensory perception.

I present to you guidelines in day to day spiritual development and tapping into the potential of the mind. The knowledge should be available to everybody but it's a personal choice to walk the path. We all need a meaningful life but sensitive people sometimes need more developments. Bring alive more consciousness and dimensions and open your heart. The podcast will clarify how the rational and ego can work together with the creative process of allowing other visions and feelings.

Keep on listening and be inspired and let’s open some doors!

You can share your thoughts, feelings or experiences with me!

Write me podcastkristien@gmail.com