Resoul Rebels Radio - Lightlanguage Lab - S02 / E0-9

EP-209 Conversation with Akura & Sirian (a.o) Lightlanguage Transmission

In this episode my guest is Sandra aka Akura. A beautiful german soulsister, psychic medium, lightlanguage artist and spiritual teacher. She is here to help understand our soul task as starseeds. She does this in many forms, all with the aim to unlock our keys and create the new 5D Earth together.

We talk about how it is to experience being a starseed from the age of 4 and not being able to talk about it. How she tried to ignore her -at that time- scary gifts, how everything shifted when she almost took her life, how the darkest nights can ignite our light, how psychic gifts are like muscles you can train, how self-worth is crucial to stepping into service and last but not least, how we probably met as cats.

In the labspace, Sandra sent me a Sirian lightlanguage transmission to step into dialogue with. We talk and sing to you from this space, activating your memory, your keys, to help step into power, and embody what needs to be done. Sirius tends to be a bit serious, so we bring balance with some soothing tones, so you can let it slide in with ease. Njoy.

Conversation >3min

Grounding >42min25s

Transmission >46min46s

We love hearing from you & hope you njoy this episode as much as we did creating it.

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For Sandra aka Akura:

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Over Resoul Rebels Radio - Lightlanguage Lab

Welcome to Resoul Rebels Radio. The show for anyone who has the guts to engage with the unknown…While we get to know more about who we are.

In the LightLangage Lab series I explore a form of soundhealing called lightlanguage. In my LAB-space we’ll experiment with this fascinating form of expression. 

Luister via ...