With the few, but definitely tangible initial information about Ilse, we go to Hamburg. We go to the place where Ilse was born, where she grew up with her father Salomon Alfred Wagner, her mother Johanna Wagner-Goldstein and grandmother Golda Wagner. We are taken by Holger Artus along the homes and paths that were so familiar to the family.
We describe what beautiful life was once like for her and visit the synagogue, the Hamburg archive, researcher Bärbel Klein and writer/historian Sybille Baumbach. Not only do they talk about their personal motivations, but we make another discovery, closely linked to the pogrom on 9 November and to Ilse's father.
And we are baffled, because Anna von Viellez, the director of the (former school) Israelitische Töchterschule, why can't she find Ilse in the pupil records?
The podcast 'Erased' is an Audiodroom Podcast Production, made in the Netherlands. Production: Richard Grootbod and Patty-Lou Middel-Leenheer. Advice and fact-check: Aline Pennewaard and Jane van der Molen. Music: Mark Lobenstein. Audio and studio support: Gijs Friesen and Marc Reitsma.
For all background information and how to support this production, please visit podcasterased.com