Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place - S01 / E16

16 - Workplace Learning Design, Educator, McKinsey & Co, AI, Business Transformation

Adaptive peacemaker and comfortable with chaos, curious and optimistic

Alongsider is in conversation with Terrence Hackett whose early career in Journalism led to an interest in education and he now leads in education and workplace design with McKinsey & Co. He is a dedicated family man and from where his curiosity, growth mindset and interest in ‘how we relate to each other’ stems. He says 'dancing and playing with siblings and 45 cousins in a sweaty basement' made this come very naturally to him! This also helps him be 'comfortable with chaos'. This affable exterior does not hide a steely resolve to secure great impact for clients based on sound research. Also, to curate a culture within the company which attracts, develops and excites world class talent. We discuss the potential for AI in Education and our organisations in a wide ranging conversation. Join us, you will not be disappointed.

About Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place

We all arrive at a time when someone alongside is key to moving on and letting go. Alongsider shares some great stories from those in many different contexts who have found their place and taken it. All in many different seasons. Many of the stories are about the third stage of life and all inspirational and motivating.