Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place - S01 / E40

40 - Peter Hill - Radical interference and transformation, from micro-manager to coach, Oil and Order, Jestor40 - Peter Hill

Rolls Royce, Japan, Engineering, manufacturing, Strategic Business Transformation

Alongsider's 40th and final Episode for 2024 and we meet Christopher AKA Peter Hill - one of life's genuine enthusiasts and Jestor (the only one at court who cannot be killed off). A highly skilled engineer who has been called to bring 'oil' and order to many varied situations from complex engineering challenges, manuafacturing processes, Board & Senior Leadership teams. His grandmother was a wonderful influence and encourager to a quiet and introverted young boy. She showed how all social events (inc Dinner Parties et al) needed listeners and speakers. All he has learnt he brings in a unique way - often to help us navigate with great skill the journey from micro-manager to coach. He says unkindness is probably to biggest obstacle to getting great things done. He doesn't tinker - his way is one of 'radical interference' to transformation. What could be better? I commend this to you and Joy this Christmas and a Happy New Year of new and energising adventures in 2025. 

About Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place

We all arrive at a time when someone alongside is key to moving on and letting go. Alongsider shares some great stories from those in many different contexts who have found their place and taken it. All in many different seasons. Many of the stories are about the third stage of life and all inspirational and motivating.