Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place - S01 / E05

5 - Holocaust Insurance claims reparations, Strict Perfectionist, Simon Westmacott

CFO, Global Insurance, Process, Objectivity, Wise Counsel

If you ever need to navigate politics and emotionally charged meetings and get the right things done - these wise words are perhaps for you. As the world commemorates Holocaust Memorial Day, we hear from a gifted finance professional, Simon Westmacott. Selected for his integrity and pragmatism, he modestly shares how he came alongside with his experience and wisdom to bring disparate parties together to develop a sound process and settlement.

About Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place

We all arrive at a time when someone alongside is key to moving on and letting go. Alongsider shares some great stories from those in many different contexts who have found their place and taken it. All in many different seasons. Many of the stories are about the third stage of life and all inspirational and motivating.