Alongsider talks with Peter Brook, an Engineer fascinated by how things work. He shares this with his ancestry, one of whom invented the clocking-in machine - the time clock. Peter's main interest is in how things work together and particularly people. He has huge heart for community and believe this is the staple for how we experience life at its fullest and most raw. He has spent many years working in this way within the NHS and elsewhere (e.g. Citizen's Advice). He launched an initiative (EU funded, one of the last) within the Kent Community Care Trust to bring together central health care and District Nursing. This saw all those deployed across the region being enable and empowered to make good decision at the point of delivery. This meant building a new level of trust with the senior executives and across the network - the whole people system aligned. The outcome was higher levels of satisfaction and performance, lower absenteeism and higher retention of valuable expertise. He has also introduced Parish Nursing (Alongside Community Fridge, AA and Badminton etc. ) to his own Staplehurst Free church which he leads part time. The nurses provided further 'community glue' to organisations in transition who are largely very stretched. This includes GPs, social services et al. So helping the whole work better together is what Peter brings to the party. This approach can and will be replicated more widely. It offers more for less and with more joy. What's not to love? I commend this to you.
About Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place
We all arrive at a time when someone alongside is key to moving on and letting go. Alongsider shares some great stories from those in many different contexts who have found their place and taken it. All in many different seasons. Many of the stories are about the third stage of life and all inspirational and motivating.