Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place - S01 / E38

38 - Dean Nicholas Papadopoulos - from the Bar to the pulpit, Beatlemania, Israel and Palestine

Leading a life of crime and then learning how to grow in love

Alongsider meets Dean Nicholas, normally known as Nick, currently responsible for the spiritual and organisational life of Salisbury Cathedral. His has not been an obvious path as he started in criminal law serving 7 years largely defending until he discovered that the Law could not always bring about a wise outcome. He then stepped into the role he has had a heart for ever since - that of priest. One where more wholesome outcomes are perhaps possible. He shares his love of the Beatles from an early age from 'Please, please...I want to hold your hand' and suggests that perhaps 'God is the great Alongsider.'. He spent 3 months as part of a small group witnessing justice done for all in Jerusalem. Working with those whose hearts are for Peace from all sides. He shares that the Church has been shamed and fallen short as a good Alongsider. 'The church has no monopoly on wisdom, on God. We need to be free to believe in the God we believe in. A thoughtful and powerful conversation and highly appropriate for our times. 

About Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place

We all arrive at a time when someone alongside is key to moving on and letting go. Alongsider shares some great stories from those in many different contexts who have found their place and taken it. All in many different seasons. Many of the stories are about the third stage of life and all inspirational and motivating.