Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place - S01 / E12

12 - Conducting Business, Master Musician Intensely Creative approach to Corporate Strategy, Change Management & Project Management,

How to get the team and organisation - singing from the same songsheet, courageously learning a new 'tune' and loving it

If you face or have faced shaping a raw group into a high performing team - this might be for you. We join Adrian Bawtree, professional musician, organist and Conductor who reveals the key that music can be to unlock participation, high performance and courage. He compares preparation for performance with project management and demonstrates how climate and culture are the foundation of successful outcomes. He could have been a coach - and of course he is and much, much more. He was once described as a 'bulldozer' - perhaps a bulldozer of fear and limiting belief. Come, lets face the music, you will not be disappointed.  

About Alongsider - finding your place and taking your place

We all arrive at a time when someone alongside is key to moving on and letting go. Alongsider shares some great stories from those in many different contexts who have found their place and taken it. All in many different seasons. Many of the stories are about the third stage of life and all inspirational and motivating.