Curiosity That Matters - S01 / E07

CTM 7: Collective Imagination with Sir Geoff Mulgan

How do we Reignite Social and Political Imagination, and why does it matter?

In Episode 7 of Curiosity That Matters, host Nadim Choucair engages with Sir Geoff Mulgan, a prominent author, thinker, and advocate for collective intelligence, social innovation, and public policy.

Geoff shares insights from his multifaceted career spanning roles in the UK government and academia, reflecting on lessons learned from his political activism to his leadership at Nesta, the UK's innovation foundation.

The conversation delves into Geoff’s latest book, Another World Is Possible, exploring the concept of collective imagination and its critical role in envisioning positive societal changes amidst challenges like climate change, technological advancement, and political inertia.

Geoff’s stories range from his early days mobilizing musicians against Thatcher’s policies to modern efforts in reimagining future governance structures and societal support systems like mental health and climate action.

This episode offers an in-depth conversation on the importance of collective imagination and innovation in addressing societal challenges, drawing on his vast experience in government, academia, and social innovation.

More readings & content by Geoff:

Geoff's interview with Boundaryless & New Statesment article

About Geoff:

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About Curiosity That Matters

Curiosity involves lots of questions. Or just enough, good questions.

Curiosity That Matters is a series of conversation with thought leaders and experts working at the intersection of design, policy, innovation and impact. 

Each episode, we spend around 45 minutes discussing a framework, concept, mental model or approach that my guest either created or is an expert on.

We cover topics such as collective imagination, expansive thinking, creative bureaucracy, nurture capital, dark matter in design & policy, the boring revolution and much more. 

We talk about the guests' journey and their curiosity, and delve deep into the topics at hand.

As for the questions... I'm still working on mine

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