In deze serie 'een voelbaar leven' onderzoeken Yvonne Stams en Peter Dalmeijer hoe collega's omgaan met voelen. Daarbij hebben ze de volgende vragen centraal gesteld: Hoe is de relatie tussen voelen en denken? Wat is het verschil tussen zijn en doen? Wordt ons werk met Systemisch werk en NLP sterker door het 'voelen'? Is er verschil tussen gevoel en intuïtie? Hoe hebben onze collega's 'voelen' leren kennen in hun werk en leven?
Aflevering 4 met Nir Esterman
Deze aflevering hebben we opgenomen in het Engels.
Nir Esterman is a child from Jewish parents who moved from Poland to Israel after World War II, where he was born. Nir is a gifted professional who combines Jungian shadow work with family- and systemic constellations and bodywork.
We met Nir in Amsterdam after he finished a two day training of his Shadow Constellations. We didn’t know what we could expect. Our meeting turned out to be an inspiring and uplifting conversation. In a slow pace and with a soft voice Nir explains about his work, his life as a father and his youth as the son of his father. In out family we have learned already as a child to put all the emotions and experiences in our shadow, that are not allowed to be seen in the outside world. We choose to belong to the beliefs and suppressed emotions of our family instead of expressing our inner belonging. Nir brings us to our body and our family system to become aware of this shadow in a constellation. In our podcast-meeting Nir is doing a demo with Peter to make his method visual and practical. Enjoy the creation of this kind and unique developer, teacher and facilitator.