De Onzichtbare Collectie - S01 / E64

#64 Between, 2015, Jinju Lee by Jada Posthuma (EN)

The 19-year-old Jada Posthuma is studying at the Vistacollege in Heerlen, pursuing a course in music. During her internship at Marres, she recorded a story describing the work 'Between' by Korean artist Jinju Lee. This work was exhibited at Marres during 'Goodbye to Love' in the fall of 2023: an exhibition dedicated to the ways in which people get lost in our world, drift with their memories, search for anchors, cope with loneliness, and long for comfort.

'The Invisible Collection' focuses on people's stories about their favorite artwork. It is an online art collection that you cannot see but can hear. Marres harvests stories in which people of all ages and backgrounds share their art experiences.

You can also listen to the Marres podcast 'Sensing Art, Training the Body' on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Over De Onzichtbare Collectie

Marres, Huis voor Hedendaagse Cultuur in Maastricht, is een internationaal georiënteerde presentatie-instelling waar hedendaagse kunst in de breedste zin van het woord wordt onderzocht aan de hand van tentoonstellingen, workshops, publicaties en een rijk publieks- en educatieprogramma. Marres onderscheidt zich van andere presentatie-instellingen voor hedendaagse kunst door zijn interdisciplinaire focus op de werking van de zintuigen, de taal van het lichaam en de nadruk op ervaring. 

Het is ook mogelijk om te luisteren naar de podcast Sensing Art, Training the Body.

// Marres, House for Contemporary Culture in Maastricht (NL), is an internationally oriented presentation institution where contemporary art in its broadest sense is explored through exhibitions, workshops, publications and a wide range of education and participation activities. Marres distinguishes itself from other presentation institutions for contemporary art through its interdisciplinary focus on the working of the senses, the language of the body and its emphasis on experience.

It is also possible to listen to the podcast Sensing Art, Training the Body.