Sensing Art, Training the Body - S01 / E16

Marres Special: "Opaque Spirits" interview with Arturo Kameya and Claudia Martínez Garay

In the run-up to a new exhibition at Marres, House for Contemporary Culture in Maastricht, director Valentijn Byvanck interviews participating artists, performers and curators.

For the exhibition ‘Opaque Spirits’ he sits down with Peruvian artists Arturo Kameya and Claudia Martínez Garay. 

Arturo Kameya has transformed Marres into a hotel where the ghosts of the failed Peruvian state have taken up residence. The building’s facade will feature massive paintings showing contemporary Messianic imagery. Inside, visitors can find various scenes, such as a tiled bathhouse that functions as a restaurant, a multi-armed beer fountain, and a large upstairs room with mechanical fish. The hotel’s interior is an allegory of the Peruvian state, reflecting a world of appearances in which truth is less important than what is evoked out of sheer necessity.

‘Opaque Spirits’ opens on March 7th and runs to May 26th 2024 at Marres in Maastricht.

Over Sensing Art, Training the Body

Marres, Huis voor Hedendaagse Cultuur in Maastricht, is een internationaal georiënteerde presentatie-instelling waar hedendaagse kunst in de breedste zin van het woord wordt onderzocht aan de hand van tentoonstellingen, workshops, publicaties en een rijk publieks- en educatieprogramma. Marres onderscheidt zich van andere presentatie-instellingen voor hedendaagse kunst door zijn interdisciplinaire focus op de werking van de zintuigen, de taal van het lichaam en de nadruk op ervaring. 
Het is ook mogelijk om te luisteren naar de verhalen van de Onzichtbare Collectie.
// Marres, House for Contemporary Culture in Maastricht (NL), is an internationally oriented presentation institution where contemporary art in its broadest sense is explored through exhibitions, workshops, publications and a wide range of education and participation activities. Marres distinguishes itself from other presentation institutions for contemporary art through its interdisciplinary focus on the working of the senses, the language of the body and its emphasis on experience.
It is also possible to listen to the stories of the Invisible Collection.

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