Ongekend - S0 / E15

Why confirmation bias and polarization can be rational (Kevin Dorst)

#15. Kevin Dorst has amazing theories on the rationality of human thinking.

#15. Kevin Dorst has amazing theories on the rationality of human thinking.

03:30 - You just believe that because...: people from different environments with different upbringings predictably develop different political beliefs
7:30 There's something problematic about the fact that you could've believe differently than you do now so easily (if I would have been born 100km to the north-east I probably would believe in God right now)
12:00 Why the fact that your beliefs will predictably move in a certain direction is often a sign you're being irrational
16:00 How ambigious evidence explains polarization
26:00 Why confirmation bias is rational
30:00 What really drives confirmation bias
38:00 Is it rational to be more critical of uncongenial evidence?
44:00 Recent studies (e.g. Anglin 2019) show polarization and belief perseverance to be rarer than previously thought
48:00 Standard normative models of rational belief and action are wrong about how rational people would think and act


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Een ongekende podcast over hoe wij kennen, ontkennen, denken, redeneren, meningen vormen, feiten ontdekken. En over hoe het internet deze omgang met informatie en processen van meningsvorming en waarheidsvinding verandert. Tweewekelijkse interviews over cognitieve psychologie, de digitale samenleving en (sociale) epistemologie.

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