Ongekend - S0 / E24

What 'p-values' and 'statistical significance' really mean (Remco Heesen)

Clearing up misunderstandings

There’s a huge debate going on in social science right now. The question is simple, and strikes near the heart of all research: What counts as solid evidence? When it comes to proving an hypothesis, key terms are 'statistical significance' and 'p-values'. With philosopher of science Remco Heesen (University of Western Australia & University of Groningen) I discuss the ongoing discussion around these concepts, and clear up some misunderstandings along the way.

Here's what we talk about:

  • How do scientists determine whether an experimental result should be considered true, i.e. wheher the experiment worked / whether some manipulation was effective / wheter there was an effect or difference between groups
  • P-values and “statistical significance” play a central role here but are widely misunderstood. This is what they actually mean.
  • Problems with this way of doing science
  • What could be alternatives? (Briefly)

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Over Ongekend

Een ongekende podcast over hoe wij kennen, ontkennen, denken, redeneren, meningen vormen, feiten ontdekken. En over hoe het internet deze omgang met informatie en processen van meningsvorming en waarheidsvinding verandert. Tweewekelijkse interviews over cognitieve psychologie, de digitale samenleving en (sociale) epistemologie.

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