Jet-Stream Podcast - S02 / E01

Streaming into China

What does it take to stream into China? Discussing a global major streaming case by EPEAK, Edgenext and Jet-Stream.

Edgenext's technical leader Joshua Johnson, EPEAK studio founder Timothée Pineau, and Jet-Stream Founder Stef van der Ziel discuss what it takes to stream into China.

A global congress

Tim reached out to Jet-Stream last year with a customer request to stream into China. The customer is a global entrepreneurial network that organises their annual congress with leading well-known speakers.

The event, with one large stage and one studio, with multi-camera capturing and multi-lingual live translation, was to be streamed globally. 


But what is global? You may think that 'global' video platforms can reach all markets, but in reality the are blocked, and 'global' CDNs can deliver in all markets, but they can't, at least not with presence, scale, performance and capacity in every country.

China opportunities

The world is so much larger than just Europe and the USA. China alone is a market for video services of over a billion people. Interesting video streaming applications for China for example are B2C media, B2B education, commercial e-learning, marketing, sales, sports and gaming. 


Tim, Josh and Stef discuss what can go wrong with webcasting in general (a lot!), what technical and legal restrictions there are to stream into other continents and countries, and how to optimise your content to local cultures, ethics, device usage, and networking constraints.

Glass to glass from South Africa to China

They discuss the specific case from glass to glass, how the signals were translated, contributed, transcoded, and distributed in partnership with the three companies, with a successful global major streaming project as a result. 


Learn how the three companies made it easy to stream into China, overcoming technical challenges and legal / bureaucratic challenges too.

Listen to the podcast and learn from three veteran industry leaders, their experiences, their insights and their learnings to further improve streaming into China and other emerging markets.

About Jet-Stream Podcast

Jet-Stream Podcast, is a podcast hosted by streaming veteran Stef van der Ziel. Together with guests we discuss the ins and outs of customer cases, streaming innovations and our industry.

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