Today another contribution in English. My friend Harry Gras and his wife Lisette are momentarily in Uganda, working as a volunteer for the NGO Help Her International. They have raised money to support this wonderful program. If you would like to know what it is all about, listen to the 20 minute interview that Harry did earlier with the Founder James Bisheko.
Harry has a conversation with the wife of James, Grace Nakiguli. I was overwhelmed listening to this interview. Grace is a modern time hero who works hard to empower women in Uganda, who trains them to be leaders and to make their families self supporting. Doing this she touches thousands of hearts and changing lives for the better. A true Power Woman.
By the way, the music in this Podcast is made and produced by Louis Puggaard-Müller. A singer-song-writer from Denmark, living in Amsterdam, who participates in the training programs and Learning Experiences that Harry and I organize. This song is specially made for James and his wife Grace Nagiguli. And you will hear the full version at the end of this Podcast episode.
Thank you for listening to this Episode of the Kantelcast. We dedicate this episode to James and Grace and to all the women of this world. Support them, if you have the opportunity to do that. Visit the website of the Socialrun at, check 'Een tuintje in mijn hart voor Oeganda' and make your contribution.
Please, share this Podcast with your network and we would love to read your review. Thanks again for listening and Hey, don’t leave to soon. Listen to this amazing song of Louis. It makes your heart sing for the women of this world. Hope to meet you again at the next episode of the Kantelcast.
We wish you fun while listening to the remarkable story of Grace. It will make your Oxytocine flow.
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