de Kantelcast / the Key Moment Podcast - S2022 / E37

#37 What do you know about Mental Health Awareness in Uganda? 🇬🇧 (English Spoken)

The Youth Living Museum of Heart Sounds in Ave Maria, Kampala, Uganda

Patrick, Josh, James and Elijah have a dream. Joseph Atakunda is their role model, their example, their 'Guru'. It is not a coincidence that he is the father of Josh and James. He is now retired and these bright, passionate, four young men have decided to prolongue his work and Mission. This Podcast will warm the knuckles of your heart. It makes you happy, hopeful and longing for a world in which prejudgement does not exist. 

They have a dream. It's simple and it saves lives. They need a building. A building to start their very own Community Center and spread their Mission and Vision in Uganda and The World. 

Yes, it's very possible to donate this wonderful program. But maybe first listen to this Podcast and afterwards visit Check the Page 'Verhalen' and then visit 'Een tuintje in mijn hart voor Oeganda' and donate.

We thank you from the bottom of our heart.

#dekantelcast #harrygras #rokusloopik #harryandlisetteinuganda #mistercranimar #jamespatrickjoshelija #fightingstigma #raisingawareness #mentalhealth #uganda #kampala #avemaria #youthlivingmuseumheartsounduganda #happytobealive #everyday #uganda #helpherinternational #jamesbeshiko #amazinggrace 

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Over de Kantelcast / the Key Moment Podcast

Kun je een Kantelmoment in jouw leven benoemen? Wat deed jou besluiten om het roer om te gooien? Wat heb je er van geleerd? Wat zouden anderen daarvan kunnen leren?

Can you recall a keymoment in your life? What made you decide to turn your life around and head in another direction? What have you learned from it? What could others learn from it?

For English Listeners! The episodes with an English title and 🇬🇧 are English spoken words. On Spotify you will find the letters GB added to the title of the episode.

De Mastering voor de Kantelcast Podcasts wordt gedaan door Time Item Studio van Pelle Loopik.  

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