Terriscope Podcast - S01 / E03

Episode 3 - Sharing Counter Terrorism Information, Best Practice, and Learning - a chat with TinyG

Guest speaker: Andy Williams

In this episode, we chat with Andy Williams from TinyG - a non-for-profit, global, terrorism information network that seeks to enable law enforcement and private security to share experiences and best practice.  

You can find out more about TinyG here: https://tinyg.info/

TinyG events: https://tinyg.info/events

Information on the TinyG training course: https://tinyg.info/training

About Terriscope Podcast

Terriscope is a mobile app and web-based platform providing fast-time notification and security analysis of potential and confirmed terrorist attacks. 

In this podcast series, Terriscope's Director of Intelligence, Kyle Hardcastle explores recent incidents with security industry experts - to highlight protective security best practice.

To find out more about Terriscope, visit www.terriscope.com

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