De Ridders van de Retro Tafel - S01 / E01

Knights of the Retro Table: Quest 01 - Remakes of video games, Dynamite Derrick and offending everyone

Our first English spoken podcast

This is the first ever English spoken "Knights of the Retro Table" podcast, which is centered around retro games and the gaming industry as a whole.

Remakes of video games... Why make them? Or why not? Do we have remakes we like, or specifically hate? Peter "Retrogamepapa" Scheffer discusses these questions and issues with his fellow knights Max the Dutch Gamer and Michiel Kroder. But what is all this talk about Dynamite Derrick, Tommy Wiseau's Lord of the Rings and Peter's mutant power to inadvertently offend everyone? Have a listen then to find out!

In every episode the knights will go through multiple topics, where they discuss games they've played, pick out a game from their collection and discuss a new main topic each week. In the other topics of this episode the knights discuss Mystical Ninja 2 on N64, Sine Mora, The Yakuza series and Dynamite Cop, amongst others. 

Our Patreon page:

Max the Dutch Gamer's channel:

Michiel's own podcast with main focus on arcade games:

Retrogamepapa's Addendum: I'm stoked, happy and a bit anxious all at the same time. We now open the doors to a way bigger (potential) audience with the English spoken Knights of the Retro Table. Behind the scenes we had already been planning and working on English episodes, but everything kept going wrong like it was cursed.

I also would love to hear what everyone's thoughts are about this podcast. Do you like the format, our jokes? Is it the opposite? Do you miss something, let me know! And also in regards to the main topic: What is your opinion on video game remakes, yay or nay?

Over De Ridders van de Retro Tafel

UPDATE: There's also occasionally an English spoken quest now, with the Knights of the Retro Table as a title to differentiate.

Dé Nederlandse podcast over voornamelijk retro games, de game-industrie en ook nieuwe/moderne videogames. Verder worden de wekelijkse perikelen besproken van host Peter ( en zijn ridders over games en toys verzamelen, films kijken, privéleven en andere vrije tijdsbestedingen. Allemaal Nederlands gesproken!

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