De Ridders van de Retro Tafel - S01 / E05

Knights of the Retro Table #5: Good games without sequels

Of which we would like to see some!

In this quest, Peter "Retrogamepapa" Scheffer ( talks with Michiel Kroder (HitP Studio) about good video games that never got a sequel. There aren't that many lonely games out there which don't suck. Some very good Rare games didnt get a sequel for example. Michiel has just two, but Peter has a lot more. And how would we like the sequel to play and be different? The two knights also namedrop a few games without sequels of which they also think don't need a sequel. Next to this main topic Michiel and Peter also talk about the latest games they've played, bought and on a sidenote Peter also starts about Transformer toys again.

In the Entrance part we talk about: Doom Eternal, Doom (2016), Bayonetta gameseries (mainly about 1 and 3), The Mummy (PS1 game) and how terrible of an experience it was to obtain the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Collector's Edition. In the Jousting: Dangun Feveron (PS4) and Megaman X Collection (Gamecube).

Over De Ridders van de Retro Tafel

UPDATE: There's also occasionally an English spoken quest now, with the Knights of the Retro Table as a title to differentiate.

Dé Nederlandse podcast over voornamelijk retro games, de game-industrie en ook nieuwe/moderne videogames. Verder worden de wekelijkse perikelen besproken van host Peter ( en zijn ridders over games en toys verzamelen, films kijken, privéleven en andere vrije tijdsbestedingen. Allemaal Nederlands gesproken!

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