De Ridders van de Retro Tafel - S01 / E02

Knights of the Retro Table #2: Dreamcast games, 70's tits and Echo?

Ecco!? Is there an Ecco?

Join the Dream Team! In this retro gaming quest, Peter ( and his fellow knights Max and Michiel Discuss each other's favourite Dreamcast games. What treasures lie in the last Sega console? It's a lot of good gaming loot, that is what soon becomes clear! Which 5 games did each knight pick out of the Dreamcast's library? Next to that, with the intro also many other games and media is talked about, like The Dark Tower books, The Gray Man, Conker's Bad Fur Day, 70's tits, Hungry Ghosts (PS2) and Playstation VR. 

Also some deeper questions are being asked, like why do secondhand original Xbox games nearly always smell of smoke? Why it's impossible to get decent customer service with UPS and the likes? And, how come House of the Dead 3 and 4 play near-arcade perfect with PS Move, but HotD Overkill does anything but? All in all, loads of interesting stuff to listen to!

Over De Ridders van de Retro Tafel

UPDATE: There's also occasionally an English spoken quest now, with the Knights of the Retro Table as a title to differentiate.

Dé Nederlandse podcast over voornamelijk retro games, de game-industrie en ook nieuwe/moderne videogames. Verder worden de wekelijkse perikelen besproken van host Peter ( en zijn ridders over games en toys verzamelen, films kijken, privéleven en andere vrije tijdsbestedingen. Allemaal Nederlands gesproken!

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