FSAN VGV - S001 / E06

Why Forced Marriages are still prevalent and how should we respond?

12 million girls are forced into marriage every year before the age of 18

On a global scale, 12 million girls are forced into marriage every year before the age of 18; this figure boils down to 28 girls per minute (source: UN OHCHR).

Exacerbating this problem is the increased trend in global human trafficking, and this calls for everyone to become more aware and also involved, in helping to end this abuse.

Here in the Netherlands, the summer holidays have become an uneasy period for some young people, who are at an extra high risk of either forced marriage, abandonment, or even FGM. For this reason, the government and local authorities tend to focus on preventive campaign measures.

In this program we will spotlight forced marriages, engaging relevant subject-matter experts and stakeholders within the migrant community to discuss the issue.

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FSAN speelt sinds eind jaren ‘90 een centrale rol in de bestrijding van Vrouwelijke Genitale Verminking (VGV) in Nederland. De inzet van FSAN was vooral gericht op voorlichting en preventie binnen de risicogroepen.

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