NAPK - S01 / E01

NAPK Start Internationaal #1 Rochelle Saunders

Conversation about cultural producing, curating and project managent

Rochelle Saunders is a cultural producer, curator and project manager with over 10 years of work experience that covers the arts, education, and community leadership. With particular expertise in literature, her work has focused on projects in national and international contexts. A graduate politics student from SOAS, she recently completed a master's degree at The University of Arts London, in Arts and Cultural Enterprise, where she held an academic interest in sustainable and transformative social change frameworks. 

She has worked as a creative producer at Renaissance One and Tilt live literature and spoken word organizations that primarily support underrepresented writers. In January 2020 she joined The British Council Literature team and recently became a Trustee at New Cross Gate Trust a grassroots community charity as director for education.

The partner Renaissance One
Renaissance One is an independent arts company based in the UK that produces, curates and galvanises literature. We promote high-quality literature of all kinds. We highlight global voices in contemporary Britain and the diverse arts and cultures that its writers, artists and communities produce. Our name is inspired by the Harlem Renaissance and the importance of rebirth and renewal. Since 1999, we have worked with leading and emerging voices including Bernardine Evaristo, Paul Beatty, Ali Smith, Gary Younge, Kerry Young, Caryl Philips, Shivanee Ramlochan, Kei Miller and the late Amiri Baraka. Through productions, creative business models, mentoring and artistic success as an organization led by people of colour, we push for greater diversity in the arts, and shape education programmes to inspire communities.

Luminance by Ghostrifter Official
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library


NAPK staat voor Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten en is de branchevereniging van de professionele podiumkunstproducenten in Nederland. De meeste van de aangesloten organisaties werken met overheidsfinanciering. De NAPK fungeert als werkgeversorganisatie en sluit namens de sector cao’s af met de vakbonden. Tegelijkertijd bevordert de NAPK de positionering van de podiumkunsten richting politiek, overheden en culturele fondsen. De dienstverlening richt zich dan ook primair op deze twee pijlers: arbeidszaken en positionering. Daarnaast bieden we onze leden de mogelijkheid om elkaar te ontmoeten en informatie en ervaringen uit te wisselen. Hiervoor organiseren we regelmatig diverse ledenbijeenkomsten.

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