Aflevering 89, Peter Allison, whats on top of the hill?

safari diaries from the ninetees

Whats on top of the hill or beyond? One of our great character safari guides, Peter Allison (Natural Selection) is taking us back to the mid ninetees in Africa. 18 years old, Peter was flipping a coin to decide where to explore first. Africa it was and so he went!

His first guiding steps were in the Sabi Sands but the Okavango Delta in Botswana became the real deal for him. We do talk about what we call the glory days now and the development in being on safari 30 years later and 'camp luxury' nowadays.

Peter did also wrote 3 great books about safari stories around the campfire. I can highly recommend reading his hilarious books. Full of great stories and lots of laughs.

"Whatever you do, don't run, "Don't look behind you" and "how to walk a puma"

Enjoy listening to this new episode!


Volg in deze podcast safari-expert Frank Ranzijn. Je hoort de beste tips voor een goede safariplanning aangevuld met zijn persoonlijke safarigeheimen van Afrika. Bewust en duurzaam reizen gaat steeds vaker hand in hand met maximaal genieten tijdens 'life changing' safarireizen in de overweldigende Afrikaanse natuur. Laat je op informele wijze informeren en inspireren over de beste manier om een positieve impact achter te laten op de bestemming die je bezoekt. Na 25 jaar ervaring in persoonlijk reisadvies op safari Afrika neemt hij je mee in de wereld van exclusieve en duurzame natuur en  wildlife reizen. Thanks for listening to many more safari secrets.

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