Aflevering 78, Wild Expeditions Africa

With Chris Roche

Listen to the stories of Chris Roche my next safari-heroe in this new episode of MIJN AFRIKA | MIJN WILDLIFE (in English from 4.10 min)

After a long career in the bush with famous safari companies like And Beyond and Wilderness Safaris Chris became in 2020 the co-founder of Wild Expeditions Africa. This collective of owner run safari companies are operating in very remote places of Africa like Zimbabwe, Botswana, Ethiopia and Madagascar. Eco tourism is playing a vital role in the purpose of this fairly new safari company. 

If you like to learn more about the essence of being on safari and get a bit more indepth thoughts of how Chris is looking at things, this is the episode to listen to.

Learn about the 14 different biomes and 120 eco-regions in Africa and how important it is to look a bit further then the savanna regions only. Chris is taking us into a deeper meaning of how we as safari travelers should enjoy the bush with more added value. 

Lale's camp in the Omo Valley of Ethiopia is a great example how you as a guest can experience unscripted interaction with the Kara, Hamer and Mursi people. A mindblowing experience! 

Enjoy listening to this new episode. 


Volg in deze podcast safari-expert Frank Ranzijn. Je hoort de beste tips voor een goede safariplanning aangevuld met zijn persoonlijke safarigeheimen van Afrika. Bewust en duurzaam reizen gaat steeds vaker hand in hand met maximaal genieten tijdens 'life changing' safarireizen in de overweldigende Afrikaanse natuur. Laat je op informele wijze informeren en inspireren over de beste manier om een positieve impact achter te laten op de bestemming die je bezoekt. Na 25 jaar ervaring in persoonlijk reisadvies op safari Afrika neemt hij je mee in de wereld van exclusieve en duurzame natuur en  wildlife reizen. Thanks for listening to many more safari secrets.

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